• Italiano
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Organic Products

Bio semolina comes from the grinding of the best Italian wheat, which are farmed and supervised without any chemical synthesis product.

Durum wheat comes especially from Southern Italy, one of the most ideal lands for the plantation of bio cereals.

Organic Wholemeal Durum wheat semolina SIBIO

PROTEINS (in dry matter): 12%
Dry gluten (in dry matter): 8%
Gluten index: minimum 70
ASH (in dry matter): 1.40-1.80%
Fiber: 7%
Potential use: Semolina exclusively obtained from bio Italian wheat.
This product has a medium granulometry and is suitable for the production of bronze drawn dry pasta and fresh pasta too.
Such semolina gives the products a good tenacity thanks to the high gluten index.

Organic Durum wheat semolina SBIO

PROTEINS (in dry matter): 11%
Dry gluten (in dry matter): 9%
Gluten index: minimum 70
ASH (in dry matter): 0.85%
YELLOW INDEX (b Minolta): 21 minimum
Potential use: Semolina exclusively obtained from bio Italian wheat.
This product has a medium granulometry and is suitable for the production of bronze drawn dry pasta and fresh pasta too.
Such semolina gives the products a good tenacity thanks to the high gluten index.

Organic Durum wheat re-milled semolina RIMBIO

PROTEINS (in dry matter): 11%
Dry gluten (in dry matter): 9%
Gluten index: minimum 70
ASH (in dry matter): 0,90% max
YELLOW INDEX (b Minolta): minimum 21
W : 210
P/L: 3.5
Brabender: Abs. 60.5% – Stab. 5 minutes
Potential use: Ground semolina from bio Italian durum wheat intended for the industrial and handmande production of bakery (bread, focaccia) and suitable for long leavenings and fridge maturation.
Such semolina produces hard doughs and guarantees a great production result thanks to the high water absorption.